Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Finally Google Glass XE Came for Sale in USA

After a year, finally internet giant Google released its Flagship product GOOGLE GLASS available to US resident who completed 18 years of age are eligible to get the one in the name of "The Glass Explorer Program".

Google Glass Logo

Google Glass is a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display (OHMD) used for daily regular activities done by using smart phones. A post from official Glass Google+ account, announcing that Glass is now available for anyone in USA to buy. But, its still listed as the "Explorer Edition", so this is still considered a beta prodect. Its cost is also too high (1500$) and its retail edition is expected to be in low cost.

Google glass is available in many types (multiple colour,shades,frames and ear buds) that fits to individual life styles.

Check out some interesting videos from Google Glass official Youtube account.

If you wants to buy a glass and join the Glass explorer program then go through the below link >>Click here<< 

I am from India & eagerly waiting to get one but, the sad part is that it is not opened to other countries.